Questions From Earth,
Answers From Heaven

(St. Martin’s Press)
by Char Margolis with Victoria St. George
Introduction: The Age of Awareness

Questions From Earth, Answers From Heaven by Char MargolisWe all have questions we’d like to ask God. Why is my life so difficult? Why did my loved one have to die? Why can’t I be successful? Why do I feel so disconnected? Why did I get sick? Why is there so much injustice? How can I be more connected with myself and my loved ones? What happens when I die? Will I know my loved ones on the other side? Is there an “other side,” and what is it like? Does heaven exist? What about reincarnation and soul mates? And is there an infinite knowledge in the universe that I can connect with and use to help make my life better here on earth, or am I just a random by-product of the chemical processes we call life?

Human beings have been seeking answers to these questions throughout recorded history. Some of their answers are based on faith, some on scientific data, some on fantasy. But a few answers—very few—are based on the actual experience of tapping in to a realm beyond this physical world, where we can speak directly with energies we call “spirits,” and, more important, where we can connect directly with the highest level of universal and infinite love, wisdom, and light that we call God.

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